

  1. 打开前部盖门。

    art showing the front door being opened
  2. 将释放杆滑到左边来解锁盖板。

    art showing how to unlock the internal cover
  3. 打开盖板。

    警告—可能的损坏: 为避免感光鼓过度曝光,请不要让盖板打开超过 10 分钟。
    art showing internal cover being opened
  4. 找到打印头刷片。

    art showing the location of pc units and printhead wipers
  5. 轻轻地拉出打印头刷片直到它停止,然后缓慢地将它们滑回原位。

    art showing lenses being cleaned
  6. 关闭盖板。

    art showing internal cover being closed
  7. 将释放杆滑到右边来锁定盖板。

    art showing the cover being locked
  8. 关闭前部盖门。

    art showng front door being closed