24x 卡纸

注意: 确认在拉出任何被卡的纸张时清除所有纸屑。

纸张卡在进纸匣 1 中

  1. 打开进纸匣 1。

    The illustration shows the standard tray (Tray 1) being opened.
  2. 用力抓住被卡纸张的两边,然后轻轻地将它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper being pulled out from Tray 1.
  3. 关闭进纸匣 1。

  4. 如果需要,请从打印机控制面板触摸继续,卡纸已清除

纸张卡在进纸匣选件(进纸匣 2-4)之一中

  1. 检查盖门 C,然后用力抓住被卡的纸张,然后将它拉出。

    The illustration shows the paper jam being removed from door C.
  2. 打开指定的进纸匣。

  3. 用力抓住被卡纸张的两边,然后轻轻地将它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper being pulled out from the optional tray .
  4. 关闭进纸匣。

  5. 如果需要,请从打印机控制面板触摸继续,卡纸已清除

纸张卡在进纸匣 5(高容量进纸器)中

  1. 拉出进纸匣,直到它停止。

    The illustration shows the HCF being opened.
    警告—可能的损坏: 不要使用太大力拉出进纸匣。这样做可能会击中并伤害您的膝盖。
  2. 用力抓住被卡纸张的两边,然后轻轻地将它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper being removed inside the  HCF.
  3. 轻轻地推入进纸匣,直到它停止。

  4. 如果需要,请从打印机控制面板触摸继续,卡纸已清除

  1. 轻轻地将进纸匣向左边移动,直到它停止。

    The illustration shows the HCF being moved to the left.
  2. 用力抓住被卡纸张的两边,然后轻轻地将它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper being removed from the tray exit.
  3. 轻轻地将进纸匣放回原位。

  4. 如果需要,请从打印机控制面板触摸继续,卡纸已清除

  1. 轻轻地将进纸匣向左边移动,直到它停止。

    The illustration shows the HCF being moved to the left.
  2. 打开顶部盖板。

    The illustration shows the top cover of the HCF being opened.
  3. 用力抓住被卡纸张的两边,然后轻轻地将它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper inside the HCF top cover being removed.
  4. 关闭顶部盖板。

    The illsutration shows the HCF top cover being closed.
  5. 轻轻地将进纸匣放回原位。

  6. 如果需要,请从打印机控制面板触摸继续,卡纸已清除