Setting up and using the accessibility features

Activating Voice Guidance

From the home screen
  1. In one motion and using one finger, slowly swipe left then up on the display until you hear a voice message.

    Note: For printer models without built-in speakers, use headphones to hear the message.
  2. Using two fingers, touch OK.

    Note: If the gesture does not work, then apply more pressure.
From the keyboard
  1. Press and hold the 5 key until you hear a voice message.

    Note: For printer models without built-in speakers, use headphones to hear the message.
  2. Press Tab to navigate the focus cursor to the OK button, and then press Enter.


Deactivating Voice Guidance

  1. In one motion and using one finger, slowly swipe left then up on the display until you hear a voice message.

    Note: For printer models without built-in speakers, use headphones to hear the message.
  2. Using two fingers, do either of the following:

    • Touch Voice Guidance, then touch OK.

    • Touch Cancel.

    Note: If the gesture does not work, then apply more pressure.

You can also deactivate Voice Guidance by doing either of the following:

Navigating the screen using gestures




Swipe left then up using one finger

A photo showing how to launch Accessibility mode.

Launch or exit Accessibility mode.

Note: This gesture is also applicable when the printer is in normal mode.

Double-tap using one finger

A photo showing how to select an option or item on the screen.

Select an option or item on the screen.

Double-tap the home icon using two fingers

A photo showing how to deactivate Accessibility mode.

Deactivate the Accessibility mode.

Triple-tap using one finger

A photo showing how to zoom in or out text or images.

Zoom in or zoom out text and images.

Note: Enable Magnification mode to use the zoom feature.

Swipe right or swipe down using one finger

A photo showing how to move to the next item on the screen.

Move to the next item on the screen.

Swipe left or swipe up using one finger

A photo showing how to move to the previous item on the screen.

Move to the previous item on the screen.

Swipe up then down using one finger

A photo showing how to move to the first item on the screen.

Move to the first item on the screen.


A photo showing how to access parts of the zoomed image on the screen.

Access parts of the zoomed image that are beyond the limit of the screen.


  • Use two fingers to drag a zoomed image.
  • Enable Magnification mode to use the pan gesture.

Swipe up then right using one finger

A photo showing how to increase the volume.

Increase the volume.

Note: This gesture is also applicable when the printer is in normal mode.

Swipe down then right using one finger

A photo showing how to decrease the volume.

Decrease the volume.

Note: This gesture is also applicable when the printer is in normal mode.

Swipe up then left using one finger

A photo showing how to return to the home screen.

Exit an application and return to the home screen.

Swipe down then left using one finger

A photo showing how to go back to the previous setting.

Go back to the previous setting.

Using the on-screen keyboard

When the on-screen keyboard appears, do one or more of the following:

Enabling Magnification mode

  1. In one motion and using one finger, slowly swipe left then up on the display until you hear a voice message.

    Note: For printer models without built-in speakers, use headphones to hear the message.
  2. Using two fingers, do the following:

    1. Touch Magnification mode.

    2. Touch OK.

    Note: If the gesture does not work, then apply more pressure.

For more information on navigating a magnified screen, see Navigating the screen using gestures.