

电击危险小心图标 小心—电击危险: 为避免在清洁打印机的外部时发生电击危险,请在操作之前从电源插座中拔掉电源线并断开打印机上连接的所有电缆。


  1. 关闭打印机电源,然后从电源插座上拔掉电源线。

  2. 从标准接纸架和多功能进纸器中取出纸张。

  3. 使用软毛刷或真空吸尘器清除打印机周围的所有灰尘、绒毛和纸片。

  4. 使用柔软、不起毛的湿布擦拭打印机的外面。


    • 不要使用家庭用的清洁剂或洗涤剂,因为它们可能会损坏打印机的表面。
    • 确认在清洁之后,打印机的所有区域都是干燥的。
  5. 将电源线连接到电源插座,然后打开打印机电源。

    标准的小心图标 小心—可能的伤害: 为避免火灾或电击危险,请将电源线连接到具有适当额定电压并正确接地的电源插座上,该插座应该靠近产品并且便于使用。


电击危险小心图标 小心—电击危险: 为避免在清洁打印机的外部时发生电击危险,请在操作之前从电源插座中拔掉电源线并断开打印机上连接的所有电缆。
  1. 关闭打印机电源,然后从电源插座上拔掉电源线。

  2. 使用柔软、不起毛的湿布擦拭触摸屏。


    • 不要使用家庭用的清洁剂或洗涤剂,因为它们可能会损坏触摸屏。
    • 确保触摸屏在清洁之后是干燥的。
  3. 将电源线连接到电源插座,然后打开打印机电源。

    标准的小心图标 小心—可能的伤害: 为避免火灾或电击危险,请将电源线连接到具有适当额定电压并正确接地的电源插座上,该插座应该靠近产品并且便于使用。


  1. 打开扫描仪盖板。

  2. 使用柔软、不起毛的湿布擦拭以下区域:

    • ADF 玻璃垫

      擦拭扫描仪盖板下面的 ADF 玻璃垫。
    • 扫描仪玻璃垫

    • ADF 玻璃

      擦拭左边的 ADF 玻璃。
    • 扫描仪玻璃

  3. 关闭扫描仪盖板。


  1. 打开前部盖门。

    Front door is opened by holding its sides.
  2. 解锁废碳粉瓶。

    Knob is turned to the left.
  3. 移除废碳粉瓶。

    Tabs at the top of the waste toner bottle are pressed.
    注意: 为避免碳粉泄漏,请将废碳粉瓶直立放置。
    The waste toner bottle is placed upright on a level surface.
  4. 移除打印头刷片,然后清洁打印头镜片。

    Wiper is removed from the front door, and then inserted and pulled out of the imaging unit several times.
  5. 将打印头刷片插回原位。

  6. 插入废碳粉瓶直至其卡入到位。

    Waste toner bottle is aligned and inserted into the printer, one side at a time.
  7. 锁定废碳粉瓶。

    Waste toner bottle is positioned upright in front of the printer and knob is turned to the right.
  8. 关闭前部盖门。


  1. 关闭打印机电源。

    Power button on the side of the control panel is pressed, and then front door is opened to switch off main power button.
  2. 移除标准进纸匣。

    Tray is pulled out and removed from the base with a slightly upward motion.
  3. 移除进纸匣辊组件。

    警告—可能的损坏: 为防止静电放电造成的损坏,请在进入或接触打印机的内部区域之前触摸打印机的任何外露金属框架。
    The tab inside the tray base is slid to the left, and then the roller kit is pulled out of the metal rods.
  4. 将水涂在柔软、不起毛的布上,然后擦拭进纸辊。

  5. 插入辊组件直至其卡入到位。

    The roller kit is slid into the metal rods until it clicks into place.
  6. 插入进纸匣。

  7. 打开打印机电源。

清洁 ADF 辊组件

  1. 关闭打印机电源。

    Power button on the side of the control panel is pressed, and then front door is opened to switch off main power button.
  2. 打开 ADF 顶部盖板。

    Lever on the ADF cover is pulled, and then the ADF cover is opened.
  3. 移除分离辊盖板。

    The separator roller cover at the base of the ADF is lifted and removed.
  4. 移除分离辊。

    Both ends of the separator roller are pinched to remove it from the ADF.
  5. 将水涂在柔软、不起毛的布上,然后擦拭辊组件。

  6. 插入分离辊。

    Separator is aligned and inserted into the ADF.
  7. 插入分离辊盖板直至其卡入到位。

    The separator roller cover is aligned and inserted into the ADF.
  8. 移除分离辊配件。

    The blue tabs at both ends of the roller assembly are pressed down to remove it from behind the ADF door.
  9. 将水涂在柔软、不起毛的布上,然后擦拭辊组件。

  10. 插入分离辊配件直至其卡入到位。

    The upper part of the assembly is inserted first, then the lower part is pushed until it clicks into place.
  11. 关闭 ADF 顶部盖板。

  12. 打开打印机电源。

清洁 2000 页进纸匣辊组件

  1. 关闭打印机电源。

    Power button on the side of the control panel is pressed, and then front door is opened to switch off main power button.
  2. 将进纸匣滑到左边。

    The tray is slid away from the printer.
  3. 打开盖门 J,然后打开辊组件盖板。

    The handle on top of the door is lifted to open it. The roller kit cover is also lifted.
  4. 找到并移除进纸匣辊组件。

    Locations of the roller kit components are shown. The steps to remove them are also illustrated.
  5. 将水涂在柔软、不起毛的布上,然后擦拭辊组件。

  6. 插入辊组件。

    Roller kit components are inserted.
  7. 关闭辊组件盖板,然后关闭盖门 J。

  8. 将进纸匣滑回原位。

  9. 打开打印机电源。


  1. 抬起输纸器盖板 F。

    The paper transport cover F is lifted.
  2. 移除并清空打孔箱。

    The hole punch box in the paper transport is removed.
  3. 插入打孔箱。

    The hole punch box is inserted into the paper transport.
  4. 关闭盖板。