

  1. 打開前門。

    art showing the front door being opened
  2. 將鬆緊壓桿往左滑移,以解除鎖定蓋板。

    art showing how to unlock the internal cover
  3. 打開蓋板。

    請當心—潛藏損壞危險性: 為了避免感光鼓組件曝光過久,蓋板打開的時間不要超過 10 分鐘。
    art showing internal cover being opened
  4. 找出列印頭碳粉刷。

    art showing the location of pc units and printhead wipers
  5. 將列印頭碳粉刷輕輕拉出,當碳粉刷停止時,再慢慢將它們滑回至定位。

    art showing lenses being cleaned
  6. 關上蓋板。

    art showing internal cover being closed
  7. 將鬆緊壓桿往右滑移,以鎖定蓋板。

    art showing the cover being locked
  8. 關上前門。

    art showng front door being closed