24x paper jam(24x 夾紙)

請注意: 當您拉出所有的夾紙時,請確認要同時取出所有的紙張碎片。

1 號送紙匣中發生夾紙

  1. 打開 1 號送紙匣

    The illustration shows the standard tray (Tray 1) being opened.
  2. 穩妥地抓住夾紙的一邊,然後輕輕將它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper being pulled out from Tray 1.
  3. 關上 1 號送紙匣。

  4. 若有必要,請從印表機控制面板觸控 Continue, jam cleared(繼續作業,夾紙已清除)

其中一個選購性送紙匣中發生夾紙(2–4 號送紙匣)

  1. 請檢查 C 門,然後穩妥地抓住夾紙,再將它拉出。

    The illustration shows the paper jam being removed from door C.
  2. 打開指定的送紙匣。

  3. 穩妥地抓住夾紙的一邊,然後輕輕將它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper being pulled out from the optional tray .
  4. 關上送紙匣。

  5. 若有必要,請從印表機控制面板觸控 Continue, jam cleared(繼續作業,夾紙已清除)

5 號送紙匣中發生夾紙(高容量送紙器)

  1. 將送紙匣往外拉,直到它停住。

    The illustration shows the HCF being opened.
    請當心—潛藏損壞危險性: 拉出送紙匣時,請不要太用力。這麼做可能會碰撞到您的膝蓋而讓您受傷。
  2. 穩妥地抓住夾紙的一邊,然後輕輕將它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper being removed inside the  HCF.
  3. 輕輕推入送紙匣,直到它抵住。

  4. 若有必要,請從印表機控制面板觸控 Continue, jam cleared(繼續作業,夾紙已清除)

  1. 將送紙匣輕輕往左移,直到抵住為止。

    The illustration shows the HCF being moved to the left.
  2. 穩妥地抓住夾紙的一邊,然後輕輕將它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper being removed from the tray exit.
  3. 讓送紙匣輕輕卡回定位。

  4. 若有必要,請從印表機控制面板觸控 Continue, jam cleared(繼續作業,夾紙已清除)

  1. 將送紙匣輕輕往左移,直到抵住為止。

    The illustration shows the HCF being moved to the left.
  2. 打開頂蓋。

    The illustration shows the top cover of the HCF being opened.
  3. 穩妥地抓住夾紙的一邊,然後輕輕將它拉出。

    The illustration shows the jammed paper inside the HCF top cover being removed.
  4. 關上頂蓋。

    The illsutration shows the HCF top cover being closed.
  5. 讓送紙匣輕輕卡回定位。

  6. 若有必要,請從印表機控制面板觸控 Continue, jam cleared(繼續作業,夾紙已清除)