Managing the dashboard

The dashboard provides quick access to the web portals and the cards that contain usage and status information. You can create and customize up to 10 dashboards, and each dashboard can contain up to 24 cards. The dashboard view is customizable. You can add, hide, move, or rename the cards.

The available web portals and cards depend on your assigned role. For more information on the roles, see Understanding roles.

The following screenshots are examples of the dashboards for the different user account roles.

Note: Refresh the cards by clicking the Refresh button. The cards on the dashboard automatically refresh after every five minutes.
A screenshot showing the organization administrator dashboard.

Organization administrators can add cards that are specific to the organization, such as active users and printers. They can also add cards showing their own print usage, Fleet Agent status. printer communication status, and fleet status.

 A screenshot showing the partner administrator dashboard.

Partner administrators can add cards that are specific to a particular partner organization. For example, cards can show their top customers based on print usage.

 A screenshot showing the user dashboard.

Users can view their own printer usage.

Creating a dashboard

  1. From the dashboard, click Actions.

  2. Click Create Dashboard.

  3. Type a unique dashboard name.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Note: You can create up to 10 dashboards.

Setting a default dashboard

  1. From the dashboard, click the dashboard menu, and then select the dashboard that you want to set as default.

  2. Click Actions > Set as Default.

  3. Click Set as Default.

  4. Note: You cannot delete a dashboard that is set as default.

Renaming a dashboard

  1. From the dashboard, click the dashboard menu, and then select the dashboard that you want to rename.

  2. Click Actions > Rename Dashboard.

  3. Type the new dashboard name.

  4. Click Rename.

Deleting a dashboard

  1. From the dashboard, click the dashboard menu, and then select the dashboard that you want to delete.

  2. Click Actions > Delete Dashboard.

  3. Click Delete Dashboard.

Managing cards

  1. From the dashboard, click Actions.

  2. Do any of the following:

    Add cards


    1. Click Add Card.

    2. Select a card type.

    3. Update the card name.

    4. If you are a partner administrator, then select an organization.

    5. Click Add Card.

    Edit cards
    1. Click Edit Cards.

    2. Do any of the following:

      • Add cards.

      • Edit the card properties.

      • Move cards.

      • Delete cards.

      Note: You can switch to a different dashboard when editing cards, and all changes made in the dashboards are saved.
    3. Click Done.

    Change the view

    Mouse over the Change View menu, and then select the number of columns.