Solution Quota

Managing the distribution of quotas in child organizations

Partner users who have the Solutions Quota Administrator role in the Child Organization Access group can manage the distribution of quotas in child organizations.

Note: You cannot distribute more pages than you have purchased.
Distributing quotas to child organizations
  1. Open a web browser, and then access the Lexmark Cloud Services dashboard.

  2. Click the Solution Quota Manager card.

  3. From the Distributions tab, click Create Distribution.

  4. Type the name of the child organization, and then specify the number of pages for each solution.


    • Specification of the child organization is required for Partner Administrator trying to create distributions for child organizations. For a Quota administrator of an organization which has no child organizations, specification of child organization is not required.
    • You can specify the number of pages to be distributed for translation.
  5. If necessary, select Send notification when distribution is nearly depleted.

  6. Click Create Distribution.

Updating existing quota distributions

If a child organization runs out of their quota, then partner organizations can edit the existing distribution of the child organization.

  1. Open a web browser, and then access the Lexmark Cloud Services dashboard.

  2. Click the Solution Quota Manager card.

  3. From the Distributions page, click the name of the child organization in the Distribution column.

  4. Click Edit, and then update the number of pages for the existing solutions.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Using Solution Quota Manager to set quotas

If you are a Solutions Quota Administrator, then you can set the default quota for users. You can also set custom quotas for users and cost centers or departments.

Note: Quota decrements vary depending on the number of characters in a page. The system counts the number of characters, not the pages.
  1. Open a web browser, and then access the Lexmark Cloud Services dashboard.

  2. Do either of the following:

    • Click the Solution Quota Manager card.

    • Click the launcher icon, and then click Solution Quota Manager.

  3. From the Quotas page, do any of the following:

    Set the default quota for users
    1. Click Edit beside Default Quota.

    2. From the Edit Default User Quota window, set the default quota for users, and then click Save Changes.

    Set a custom quota for a user

    The default quota applies to all users in the organization, unless a custom quota is assigned to the department, cost center, or individual user. The user’s custom quota overrides the default quota of the organization, cost center, or department.

    1. From the Custom Quotas tab, click Create.

    2. From the Type menu, select Personal.

    3. Type the user’s email address, and then set the quota for the available solutions.


      • The solutions may include Translation.
      • Users must be registered in the organization before you can assign a custom quota to them.
    4. Click Create Quota.

    5. Note: To check the custom or default quota usage of the users, from the Quotas page, click the Usage tab. You can filter the user list for personal and default.
    Set a custom quota for a cost center or department

    The default quota applies to all users in the organization, unless a custom quota is assigned to the department, cost center, or individual user. The custom quota overrides the default quota.

    Note: Custom quotas can be set only for either a cost center or a department, but not both. After setting the first custom quota for a cost center or department, you can no longer set the custom quota for the other option.
    1. From the Custom Quotas tab, click Create.

    2. From the Type menu, select Cost center or Department.

    3. Type the name of the cost center or department, and then set the quota for reach of the available solutions.

    4. Click Create Quota.

    5. Notes:

      • To edit custom quotas, from the Custom Quotas tab, click the name of the cost center or department, set the quota, and then click Save Changes.
      • To check the custom or default quota usage of the users, from the Quotas page, click the Usage tab.

Updating the child organization account

As a partner administrator, you can edit the quota of a child organization. You can also revoke, resume, or suspend their quota distribution.

  1. Open a web browser, and then access the Lexmark Cloud Services dashboard.

  2. Click the Solution Quota Manager card.

  3. From the Distributions tab, click the name of the child organization in the Distribution column.

  4. Click any of the following:

    • Edit—Edit the distribution quota of the child organization.

    • Suspend—Pause the translation activities of an organization temporarily.

    • Resume—Resume the translation activities for a suspended organization.

    • Revoke—Cancel any available translation pages of an organization. Click Continue, type the name of the organization to confirm revocation, and then click Revoke.

      Note: The distribution quota or unused pages of the child organization are returned to the partner organization.

Using the My Translation Quota Remaining card

Note: Click this card to access the Translation Assistant Portal. For more information on adding/editing cards, see the Managing cards section in Managing the dashboard.

Using the Translation Pages Remaining card

Note: For more information on adding/editing cards, see the Managing cards section in Managing the dashboard.

Using the Translation Distribution Status card

Note: For more information on adding/editing cards, see the Managing cards section in Managing the dashboard.