Administrative tasks

The Administration tab is available to Cloud Print Management administrators. This feature lets you configure the print job delegation, e-mail submission, quotas, print job retention, and print job history.

Configuring organizational settings

  1. From the Print Management web portal, click Administration > Organizational Settings.

  2. From the General section, do any of the following:

    • Enable Print Clients page—Lets users navigate to the Print Clients page. For more information, see Downloading the Lexmark Print Management Client.

    • Allow access to legacy LPMC packages in Print Clients page—Lets users access legacy LPMC packages on the Print Clients page.

    • Enable automatic updates for installed print clients—Lets users configure the Lexmark Print Management Client for automatic and seamless updates to the latest version when available. For more information, see Enabling automatic updates for Lexmark Print Management Client.

    • Enable print job delegation—Lets you delegate print jobs to other users, allowing them to release the jobs for you. For more information, see Managing delegates.

      • Enable delegate e-mail notification—Sends an email notification to a delegate when the delegate is added or removed. If an expiry date is set for the particular delegate, then the email contains the information related to the expiry date and time as well.

    • Enable e-mail submission—Lets you email documents to Lexmark Cloud for release. For more information, see Sending print jobs using e-mail. The email address appears next to the Enable e-mail submission option.


      • The email address is linked to the environment that you are logged in to.
      • The email address also appears as a banner on the Print Queue page.
      • In the “E-mail documents to the following custom address” field, type an organization-specific username.
      • The email address is <organization-specific username>
      • When email submission is enabled for the first time, the email address can take up to 24 hours to be available.
      • A notification appears when the email address becomes accessible for users to submit print jobs.
    • Enable e-mail body submission—Lets you submit the email body to Lexmark Cloud for release. To enable email body submission, you must enable email submission.

      Note: If Enable e-mail body submission is not selected, only the email attachment is printed.
    • Allow guests to use e-mail submission—Lets unregistered guest users email their documents to Cloud Print Management. To allow guest print submission, you must enable email submission. For more information, see Configuring the Guest Print feature.

      • Limit the number of pages allowed per job—Lets you set the maximum number of pages allowed per job for unregistered guest users.

        Note: Each attachment in the email is treated as an individual job. The body of the email is also treated as an individual job.
    • Assign guests to cost center or department—This feature lets you assign guests to a specific cost center or department for applying quotas and reporting. From the Assign guests to cost center or department menu, select any of the following:

      • Do not assign—Use this option if you are not assigning guest to any cost center or department.

      • Cost center—In the Cost center name field, type the name of the cost center.

      • Department—In the Department name field, type the name of the department.

    • Enable changing the number of copies before release—Lets you change the number of copies before releasing a print job. For more information, see Releasing print jobs using the eSF application on the printer.

      This feature requires the following versions of the Print Release eSF application:

      • For e-Task v5 or later: 5.10.x or later​

      • For e-Task v4 or earlier: 2.6.x or later

    • Enable print and keep—Lets you retain a print job in the print queue after releasing it.

      This feature requires the following versions of the Print Release eSF application:

      • For e-Task v5 or later: 5.10.x or later​

      • For e-Task v4 or earlier: 2.6.x or later

    • Enable automatic print release—Lets you release print jobs automatically after logging in to a printer. For more information, see Printing jobs using automatic print release.

    • Keep print job file names for reporting—Lets you store the file name of a print job for organizational reporting.

    • List and auto-release oldest print jobs first—Lets you show and release the print jobs in order from oldest to newest.

      Update the eSF applications to the following version to use this feature:

      • For eSF version 5 or later:

        • Cloud Authentication version 5.6.30

        • Print Release version 5.10.19

        • Device Usage version 2.4.19

      • For eSF version 4 or earlier:

        • Cloud Authentication version 2.6.23

        • Print Release version 2.6.24

        • Device Usage version 2.4.19

    • Enable print quotas—Lets you set printing quotas. You can define the default quota for the organization, or set a custom quota.

      Select one of the following:

      • Cost center or personal—Lets you define quotas, and then assign them to cost centers or individual users.

      • Department or personal—Lets you define quotas, and then assign them to departments or individual users.

      • Personal only—Lets you define quotas, and then assign them to individual users.

      • Notes:

    • Enable print policies—Lets you create and assign print policies to the users and groups in your organization.

      Select one of the following:

      • Cost center or personal—Lets you create a policy, and then assign it to cost centers or individual users.

      • Department or personal—Lets you create a policy, and then assign it to departments or individual users.

      • Personal only—Lets you create a policy, and then assign it to individual users.

      Note: For more information on creating and assigning print policies, see Creating and assigning print policies.
    • Enable direct print—Lets you enable the Direct Print feature for departments, cost centers, and users. This feature allows you to track jobs that are sent to network attached printers, enrolled in Cloud Fleet Management.

      Select one of the following:

      • Cost center or personal—Lets you create an assignment, and then assign it to cost centers or individual users.

      • Department or personal—Lets you create an assignment, and then assign it to departments or individual users.

      Note: For more information on creating a direct print package, see Using Direct Print.
  3. From the Print Job Retention section, specify the length of time before released and unreleased jobs are deleted.

    Note: You can configure the duration for Print Job Retention by specifying the number of days or hours.
  4. From the Print Job History section, specify the period of the print job history.


    • You can configure the duration for Print Job History by specifying the number of days or hours.
    • You can view the print job history information from the Print Job History tab. For more information, see Viewing the print job history.
    • This setting determines the included dates when generating the history of submitted print jobs. The specified period has no association with the Analytics web portal.
  5. From the Universal Print Integration section, select the Enable Universal Print feature, and do the following:

    • Enable Universal Print—This feature registers the Cloud Print Management as a Microsoft Universal Print (MUP) virtual printer in the Azure Active Directory (AD).

    • Printer name—In the Printer name field, type the name of the Cloud Print Management virtual printer.

    • Printer share name—In the Printer share name field, type the printer share name.

      Note: The printer name and printer share name can be the same, but the printer share name must be unique.

    Before enabling Universal Print Integration with Cloud Print Management, make sure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

    • The operating system of the client workstation must have Windows 10 version 1903 or later.

    • For macOS, the client workstation must have version 13.3 or later.

    • The organization is federated, with users registered on Azure Active Directory.

    • The client machine is configured and connected to the Azure Active Directory tenant.

    You must set up MUP beyond the actual federation setup with Lexmark Cloud Services and make sure that the Azure tenant has a valid MUP subscription.

    • The user setting up the virtual printer from the Cloud Print Management portal must have the Printer Administrator role in Azure.

    • Setting up Cloud Print Management and MUP integration involves additional activities beyond the virtual printer setup. You must fetch the Azure tenant details so that they can be mapped to a Lexmark Cloud Services organization ID. For more information on the permission required for the user, go to

    • The Lexmark Universal Print application must have the following administrator permissions granted:

      • User.Read,Organization.Read.All

      • PrintJob.ReadBasic / PrintJob.Read / PrintJob.ReadBasic.All

  6. Click Save Changes.


    • After Universal Print is enabled, and if Azure administrator rights are available, a shared printer is created in the MUP tenant of Azure Active Directory. With Azure administrator rights available, save the changes and select an administrative account.
    • The printer name and printer share name are automatically created in the MUP tenant of Azure Active Directory. The printer registration process takes a few minutes to complete.
    • In Analytics, the submission type is reported as Microsoft Universal Print.
  7. Select an administrative account to register the virtual printer MUP tenant of Azure Active Directory.

    Note: After making the changes in the Organizational Settings page of Lexmark Cloud Services, the Azure administrator must share the new virtual printer available with users. For more information, see Sharing the registered printer to allow access to users.

Sharing the registered printer to allow access to users

  1. From the Universal Print Azure Active Directory portal, select the registered printer.

  2. Click Access control.

  3. Enable Allow access to everyone in my organization.

  4. Click Share Printer.

Defining quotas

You can create quota definitions, and then assign them to specific departments, cost centers, or users.

This feature is available only when quota assignment is enabled in the organizational policies. For more information, see Configuring organizational settings.

  1. From the Print Management web portal, click Administration > Quota Definitions.

  2. Do any of the following:

    Set a fixed quota
    1. Click Create, and then type a unique quota definition name.

    2. In the Specify quota limits menu, select Same limits for each month.

    3. Specify the total quota for each month.

      • Allow unlimited printing

      • Set custom quota—Specify a printing limit.

      • Disable all printing

      • Notes:

        • You can also allow, disallow, or set a color printing limit.
        • The color printing limit is part of the total quota limit. If this limit is reached, then users can no longer print in color but can still use the remaining total quota for black and white printing.
    4. Click Create Quota Definition.

    Set a custom quota for each month
    1. Click Create, and then type a unique quota name.

    2. In the Specify quota limits menu, select Custom limits for each month.

    3. Select one or more months.

    4. Click Set Quota Limits, and then specify the quota.

      • Allow unlimited printing

      • Set custom quota—Specify a printing limit.

      • Disable all printing

      • Notes:

        • You can also allow, disallow, or set a color printing limit.
        • The color printing limit is part of the total quota limit. If this limit is reached, then users can no longer print in color but can still use the remaining total quota for black and white printing.
    5. Click Set Quota Limits.

    6. Click Create Quota Definition.

    Setting the default quota for the organization

    The default quota applies to all users in the organization, unless a custom quota is assigned to the department, cost center, or individual user. The custom quota overrides the default quota.

    1. Click the edit icon beside Default Quota.

    2. Set a fixed quota or a custom quota for each month.

Assigning quotas

This feature is available only when quota assignment is enabled in the organizational policies. For more information, see Configuring organizational settings.

  1. From the Print Management web portal, click Administration > Quota Assignments.

  2. Do any of the following:

    Note: The available tabs may vary depending on the organizational settings. If the setting is only allowing quota assignments by Personal only, then no other tabs are available. For more information, see Configuring organizational settings.
    Assign a cost center quota
    Note: The Cost Center tab is available only when the policy is set to assign quotas by Cost center or personal.
    1. From the Cost Center tab, click Assign Quota.

    2. Type the cost center name.

      Note: The cost center name must match a cost center found in Account Management for the organization.
    3. Select a quota definition.

    4. Click Assign Quota.

    Assign a department quota
    Note: The Department tab is available only when the policy is set to assign quotas by Department or personal.
    1. From the Department tab, click Assign Quota.

    2. Type the department name.

      Note: The cost center name must match a cost center found in Account Management for the organization.
    3. Select a quota definition.

    4. Click Assign Quota.

    Assign a user quota
    1. From the Personal tab, click Assign Quota.

    2. Type the user e-mail address.

    3. Select a quota definition.

    4. Click Assign Quota.

Viewing user quota status

The User Quota Status feature shows you where the users are within their quota in a given month. Administrators can monitor and identify users who may be exceeding their quota.

Note: This feature is available only for Print Release Management administrators.

The user quota status table contains the following information:

A sample screenshot of User Quota Status page.
  1. From the Print Management web portal, click Administration > User Quota Status.

  2. Do any of the following:

    • Filter the user quota status table by Quota Status, Quota Definition, and Assignment Type.

    • Export the user quota status table into a CSV file by clicking the export icon on the upper-right corner of the table.

Creating and assigning print policies

Policies are rules that you can assign and enforce to users and groups on Cloud Print Management. These rules are enforced for the specified users or groups on Cloud Print Management.

Note: Make sure to enable the print policy settings. For more information, see Configuring organizational settings.
  1. From the Print Management portal, click Administration > Print Policies.

    Note: You can modify the Default Print Policy by clicking the edit button for modifying the print policy settings.. For more information, see Print Policy settings.
  2. Do any of the following:

    • Create a print policy

      1. Click Create.

        Note: If there is no existing print policy, then click Create Print Policy.
      2. In the Policy name field, type the name of the policy.

      3. Configure the settings:

        Print Policy settings
        • Force color jobs to mono—Print mono jobs only.

          • Select Only jobs with at least a specific number of pages to set the minimum number pages to apply this policy.

        • Force jobs to use two-sided printing—Print on both sides.

          • Two-sided printing—Select either Long edge binding or Short edge binding.

          • All print jobs—Set the minimum number of pages to apply this policy. Select Only mono jobs with at least a specific number of pages and Only color jobs with at least a specific number of pages.

          • Mono print jobs—Select Only mono jobs with at least a specific number of pages to set the minimum number of pages to apply this policy.

          • Color print jobs—Select Only color jobs with at least a specific number of pages to set the minimum number of pages to apply this policy.

        • Limit printing to specific days and times—Print only during specific days and times.

          • Select days—Select a day or days on which to allow printing.

            • All days—Allow printing on all days but only within a specific time. Set the values for Start time and End time.

            • Monday-Friday—Allow printing only on Mondays through Fridays within a specific time. Set the values for Start time and End time.

            • Custom—Allow printing on specific days. Set the values for Start time and End time for each of the specific days that you select.

            • Notes:

              • If the value for the End time field is beyond 11:59 PM, the schedule will end the next day.
              • The Start time and End time refers to the user's local time on the printer.
      4. Click Create Policy.

    • Duplicate a print policy

      1. Select an existing policy,

      2. Click Duplicate.

      3. Type a unique name for the policy.

      4. Click Create Policy.

    • Delete a print policy

      1. Select an existing policy.

      2. Click Delete.

      3. Click Delete Print Policy.


Assigning a print policy

  1. From the Print Management portal, click Administration > Print Policy Assignments.

  2. Select Cost Center, Personal, or Department.

    Note: The available tabs vary depending on the organizational settings. For more information, see Configuring organizational settings.
    Assigning to a cost center or department
    1. Select an existing cost center or department.

      Note: You can also select a cost center or department by typing its name in the Cost center name field or Department name field in the Assign Policy window.
    2. Click Assign Policy.

    3. From the Select print policy menu, select the policy.

    4. Click Assign Print Policy.

    Assigning to a user
    1. Select an existing user.

      Note: You can also select a user by typing the email address of the user in the E-mail field in the Assign Print Policy to User window.
    2. Click Assign Policy.

    3. From the Select print policy menu, select the policy.

    4. Click Assign Print Policy.


Obtaining the client ID and client secret

The Identity Service application containing the client ID and client secret of an organization is found in the Account Management service in the Cloud Services portal. A user account with the Organization Administrator role is required.

Note: The client ID and client secret are sensitive information. Do not share this information without appropriate consent.
  1. Open a web browser, and then access the Lexmark Cloud Services dashboard.

  2. Click the Account Management card.

    Note: If the card is not visible on the dashboard, then click the launcher icon on the upper-right corner of the page, and then click Account Management.
  3. Select the organization, and then click Next.

  4. Click the Applications tab.

  5. In the Search applications field, type either Device Authentication or Card Auth App, and then press Enter.

  6. From the Application Name list, click the application name.

  7. Obtain the client ID and client secret from the OAuth Settings section.

  8. Note: From the application page, in the Permission section, make sure that badges-auth is listed under Scopes.