Creating and populating software client groups

Creating a software client group

  1. From LMC, click the Software Client Groups tab.

  2. From the Software Client Groups section, click the add icon or Add.

  3. Type a unique name for the software client group.

  4. Click Save or Add.

Adding software clients to a software client group

  1. From LMC, click the Software Client Groups tab.

  2. From the Software Client Groups section, select a software client group.

  3. From the Tasks section, select Client Profiles.

  4. In the Address field, type one of the following:

    • IP address (For example,

    • IP address range (For example,

    • Subnet (For example, 10.10.2.*)

    • FQDN (For example, client-hostname.domain-name)

    Note: Using the asterisk wildcard character (*) to represent the sections at the end of the IP address returns all devices in that subnet. For example, typing 10.10.*.* searches for all devices that have been discovered within the range–
  5. Click Add > Save.

When adding a software client on an MSCS, add the following information:

For more information, see Installing client software on a Microsoft Cluster Server.

Note: Software client groups manage software clients by IP address and do not require discovery.

Importing software clients to a software client group

Software clients can be imported from an XML, TXT, or CSV file.

  1. Click the Software Client Groups tab.

  2. From the Software Client Groups section, select a software client group.

  3. From the Tasks section, select Client Profiles.

  4. Click Import, and then browse to the file.

    Note: To prevent overwriting existing files, clear Overwrite if file already exists.
  5. Click Upload.

    The entries in the file are added to the list of software clients.

In a CSV and TXT file, each line must contain a single IP address of a software client. The following is an example of an XML file structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>