From LMC, click the System tab.
From the System section, select Reports.
In the Available Reports list, select a report.
Specify the reporting period, and then select an output format.
Save the report or send it in an e-mail.
To save the report, do the following:
Select Save To, and then click beside the field.
Using a UNC path for a shared folder, type a destination folder path.
Type your credentials.
Click OK.
To send the report in an e-mail, do the following:
Select Email To, and then click beside the field.
If necessary, edit the e-mail, and then click OK.
If other query parameters are available for the selected report, then click Additional Parameters to specify values for those parameters. For more information, see Adding special LDD parameters.
Click Run Report.
The report is shown in a new window.
From LMC, click the System tab.
From the System section, select Schedule.
Click Add > Report.
If necessary, type a description for the task, and then click Next.
In the Available Reports list, select a report.
Specify the reporting period, and then select an output format.
Save the report or send it in an e-mail.
To save the report, do the following:
Select Save To, and then click beside the field.
Using a UNC path for a shared folder, type a destination folder path.
Type your credentials.
Click OK.
To send the report in an e-mail, do the following:
Select Email To, and then click beside the field.
If necessary, edit the e-mail, and then click OK.
If other query parameters are available for the selected report, then click Additional Parameters to specify values for those parameters. For more information, see Adding special LDD parameters.
Click Next.
Configure the date, time, and frequency for the task.
Click Finish.
Built-in reports show commonly used data and are designed for PDF output, except for those reports that specify CSV in the report title.
Jobs Report - CSV—Shows the jobs list in CSV format.
Log Report - CSV—Shows all log entries in CSV format.
Log Report - Failed Jobs—Shows log entries for failed jobs.
Printer Report—Shows printer usage data, such as printer success rates, printer model usage, printer usage per profile, and most active users per printer.
Report by Time—Shows daily and hourly data, such as job totals, job success rates, printer usage, user usage, server usage, and job durations.
Server Report—Shows server usage data, such as job success rates, hourly job rates, job duration, and server distribution. A summary for all servers and details for individual servers are available.
Software Client Report—Shows software client usage data, such as software client success rates, software client usage per profile, and most active users per software client.
Solution Report—Shows solution usage data, such as solution success rates, most used solutions, and how solutions are accessed.
Task Summary Report—Shows task data, such as task attempts, task success rates, and task times. A summary and details for all tasks are available.
Tops Report—Shows the most active of the following elements:
Printer models
User for each profile
User for each printer
Software client for each profile
User for each software client
Printer for each profile
Scheduled scripts
User Report—Shows user data, such as user job success rates, most active users, and job duration.
From LMC, click the System tab.
From the System section, click Reports.
Upload the report files. Do the following:
Click Upload Report Files, and then browse to one of the following files:
.jasper compiled report file
.jpg or .png graphics included in the report
.jrxml report source files (optional)
Click Upload.
Selected files are copied to the \Lexmark\Solutions\apps\wf-ldss\WEB-INF\reports\ folder where the system is installed on each server.
In the Available Reports list, click or Add.
Type a descriptive report name.
Select the report file name for the compiled report that you uploaded.
Select the default output format.
Select the data source that the report is designed to access. Commonly used databases include the following:
MONITOR—Used by reports that access the jobs list and the log
SOLUTIONINFO—Used by some solutions to store custom data
Click Save.
From LMC, click the System tab.
From the System section, click Reports.
In the Available Reports list, select a report, and then click or Edit.
Edit the report settings. Do one or more of the following:
Type a descriptive report name.
Select the report file name for the compiled report that you uploaded.
Select the default output format.
Select the data source that the report is designed to access. Commonly used databases include the following:
MONITOR—Used by reports that access the jobs list and the log
SOLUTIONINFO—Used by some solutions to store custom data
Click Save.
From LMC, click the System tab.
From the System section, click Reports.
In the Available Reports list, select a report.
Click or Delete > Yes.
After removing a report from the Available Reports list, you can optionally delete associated files from the \Lexmark\Solutions\apps\wf-ldss\WEB-INF\reports\ folder on each server where LDD is installed.
From LMC, click the System tab.
From the System section, click Reports.
In the Available Reports list, select a report.
Configure one or more of the following report options:
Reporting period
Output format
Folder destination
E-mail destination
Other parameters
Click Run Report.
LDD uses JasperReports for custom reports. You can create custom reports by using the open-source application iReport 3.5.2. For more information on overall report design, see the documentation for iReport.
To use special LDD parameters in other parts of a report, add the following parameters to the report design:
—Retrieves the start date for report data, as specified in a script or by the administrator when the report is run
—Retrieves the end date for report data, as specified in a script or by the administrator when the report is run
—Retrieves the reports at the \Lexmark\Solutions\apps\wf-ldss\WEB-INF\reports\ folder on each server where LDD is installed
Information for built-in reports and many custom reports are retrieved from the MONITOR database, which contains information about tasks. Custom reports may also retrieve information from the SOLUTIONINFO database, where some solutions store custom data.
The credentials for Firebird databases are the following:
User name—
The TASK_LOG table in the MONITOR database contains the following fields:
ID—A unique ID number that is assigned to each entry in the log.
LOG_TIME—The time when an entry is added to the log.
STATUS—The status reported by the solution that added the log entry.
PERCENT_COMPLETE—The progress reported by the solution that added the log entry.
TASK_MESSAGE—The log message reported by the solution.
TASK_ID—The unique ID number that is assigned to a task. Each entry recorded from the same task has the same TASK_ID.
The TASK_INFO table in the MONITOR database contains the following fields:
TASK_ID—The unique ID number that is assigned to each task.
HOST_NAME—The host name of the server where the job is run.
SOLUTION_NAME—The name of the solution where the task is run.
STATUS—The status that is reported when the job is completed or abandoned.
START_TIME—The time when the job is received.
END_TIME—The time when the job is completed or abandoned.
PERCENT_COMPLETE—The progress reported by the job when it is completed or abandoned.
USER_ID—The user who submitted the job (if applicable).
PRINTER—The IP address of the printer or software client that submitted the job (if applicable).
ADDRESS—The unique ID number of the printer that processed the job.
SCHEDULE_ID—The unique ID number of the scheduled task that ran (if applicable).
PARENT_ID—The unique ID number of the previous task that started the listed task (if applicable).
THREAD_NAME—The name of the thread that is used by the task.
CLIENT_NAME—The host name of the printer or software client that submitted the job (if applicable).
PRINTER_MODEL—The printer model number reported by the printer that submitted the job (if applicable).
JOB_TYPE—The device class for which the task runs a profile (if applicable).
HAS_SCANNER—The Boolean value (
or ) for identifying whether the printer that submitted the job has a scanner.Some subreports are included with the installation, and may be useful in developing custom reports.
When using a subreport in a custom report, pass the following to any of the subreports by using the Parameters property of the subreport element:
The different subreports are the following:
File name | Page orientation | Description |
_portrait_title.jasper | Portrait | Shows a default header image, the title of the report, and the selected reporting period for use as a header in a report. |
_landscape_title.jasper | Landscape | |
_portrait_footer.jasper | Portrait | Shows the date when the report was created and the page number for use as a footer in the report. |
_landscape_footer.jasper | Landscape | |
_portrait_no_data_message.jasper | Portrait | Shows a message indicating that data was not found within the selected period. Note: By default, iReport does not generate a report if data is not found. To use a No Data node, change the setting for when data is not found in the report to No Data Section. |
_landscape_no_data_message.jasper | Landscape | |
_Printers_Least_Used | Either | Shows the printers that are least used to submit jobs. |
_Printer_Models_Most_Used | Either | Shows the printer models that are most used to submit jobs. |
_Printers_Most_Used | Either | Shows the printers that are most used to submit jobs. |
_Server_Stats | Either | Shows a breakdown of job types that are run on a server. Note: This subreport uses the additional parameter , which contains the host name of the server for which the subreport must be run. |
_Servers_Most_Used | Either | Shows the servers that have processed the most jobs. |
_SoftwareClients_Most_Used | Either | Shows the software clients that are most used to submit jobs. |
_Solution_Profile_Most_Used | Either | Shows the solution profiles that are most used for submitted jobs. |
_Solution_Profile_Printers | Either | Shows the printers from where the most jobs are submitted for each profile. |
_Solution_Profile_Scheduled_Scripts | Either | Shows the solution profiles that scheduled tasks run most frequently. |
_Solution_Profile_SoftwareClients | Either | Shows the software clients from where the most jobs are submitted for each profile. |
_Solution_Profile_Users | Either | Shows the users who have submitted the most jobs for each profile. |
_Solutions_Most_Used | Either | Shows the solutions that are most used for submitted jobs. |
_Task_Most_Run | Either | Shows the most frequently run tasks. |
_Users_Most_Active | Either | Shows the users who have submitted the most jobs. |
_Users_Most_Cancellations | Either | Shows the users who have canceled the most jobs. |
_Users_Printers | Either | Shows the users who have submitted the most jobs for each printer. |
_Users_SoftwareClients | Either | Shows the users who have submitted the most jobs from each software client. |