AP Bundle verifies the certificate that the LDD Tomcat server sends when running a profile in secure mode (HTTPS). The communication between the MFP and the LDD servers occurs only when secure communication is enabled for the device group to which it belongs to.
To verify that the certificate is valid, the printer must have the CA root certificate that is used to sign the server certificate. Also, to verify the authentication of the server, the host or domain in the certificate must match the server.
From LMC, click the Device Groups tab.
From the Device Groups section, select a device group.
From the Tasks section, select eSF Configuration.
From the main section, select advancedprompt(AdvancedPrompting Bundle).
From the eSF Application Settings section, select Verify certificate.
From the Verification Mode menu, select either of the following, and then browse to the .PEM certificate file:
Chain—For CA-signed certificates. Make sure that the CA root certificate is installed in the truststore of the AP bundle. The eSF framework checks whether the CA has signed the server certificate.
Peer—For self-signed certificates. Peer checking does a one-to-one check of the certificate file. Make sure that the self-signed certificate is installed in the truststore of the AP bundle.
Click Save Settings.
The settings and the AP bundle are deployed to the printer during policy update.
The eSF framework automatically sets the CheckHosts setting with the host name from the URL. If there are multiple entries in the certificate in subject alternate name (SAN), then you may use CheckHosts to specify the other entries. Make sure that the certificate has the correct host name in SAN. Otherwise, the authentication verification fails.
The eSF framework checks only the host name using the server access with fully qualified domain names (FQDN). If LDD is installed as host only, then the AP Bundle uses the host name in the URL to access the Tomcat server. Make sure that the server certificate has the correct host name in SAN.
For example, if the LDD Tomcat server host name is
, then the common name and the SAN entry in the certificate must be .Certificates can be added to the KeyStore (server.ks) file using a keytool utility that is included in Java Development Kit (JDK). LDD has a self-signed certificate added to the server KeyStore (server.ks) in the tomcat/conf folder.
When OpenSSL is used to generate private keys and certificates, it is stored as separate files in the PEM encoding. However, the files cannot be converted into Java KeyStore format directly. Do the following:
Convert the files to a single file in PKCS#12 format that has a private or public key.
openssl pkcs12 -export -in servercert.pem -inkey serverkey.pem -out servercert.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile cacert.pem -caname root
is the server certificate file.
is the server private key file.
is the CA certificate file.
Using the keytool utility included in the JDK, convert the PKCS#12 file to Java KeyStore (JKS) format.
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass password -destkeypass password -destkeystore server.keystore -srckeystore servercert.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass password -alias tomcat
is the JKS format KeyStore file that must be copied into the tomcat/conf folder.