In-Store Publisher

Lexmark In-store Publisher helps to create signs, batches, and labels, using the item data and templates.

This section shows how to install this component.

Deployment readiness checklist

You can install In-store Publisher on a supported Microsoft SQL Server that runs on any of the following operating systems:

Before you begin, make sure that the following applications are installed on the server:

Setting up IIS

Make sure that the required server roles and features are installed or enabled.

Installing In-Store Publisher

  1. Obtain In-Store Publisher installer.

    Note: We recommend installing the In-Store Publisher on the same server where the Publishing Platform Web Services is installed.
  2. Run the LexmarkPublishingInstoreInstaller.exe file as an administrator.

  3. Read and accept the End-User License Agreement (EULA), and then click Install.

  4. Provide the link to the Lexmark Publishing Services installation.

    Note: Type http://<hostname>/LexmarkPublishingServices, where <hostname> is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the engine server.
  5. Provide the Image Resource URL.


    • For example, http://<hostname>/LexmarkPublishing/Cust/{Client_Name}/Images, where <hostname> is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the Publishing Platform Web Services server.
    • Images that are used in the In-Store Publisher are stored in the Image Resource server.
  6. Browse to a folder where you want to save the PPR In-Store Publisher files.

    Note: We recommend keeping the default directory.
  7. Install In-Store Publisher.
