Publishing Solutions

Lexmark Publishing Solutions helps to create signs, batches, and labels, using the item data and templates.

This section shows how to install this component.

Deployment readiness checklist

You can install In-store Publisher on a supported Microsoft SQL Server that runs on any of the following operating systems:

Note: Before you begin, make sure Microsoft .NET Framework (4.5 or later) is installed on the server.

Setting up IIS

Make sure that the required server roles and features are installed or enabled.

Installing Publishing Solutions

  1. Obtain Publishing Solutions installer.

    Note: We recommend installing the Publishing Solutions on the same server where the Publishing Platform Web Services is installed.
  2. Run the LexmarkPublishingSolutionsInstaller.exe file as an administrator.

  3. Read and accept the End-User License Agreement (EULA), and then click Install.

  4. Provide the link to the Lexmark Publishing Services installation.

    Note: Type http://<hostname>/LexmarkPublishingServices, where <hostname> is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the engine server.
  5. Provide the Image Resource URL.


    • For example, http://<hostname>/LexmarkPublishing/Cust/{Client_Name}/Images, where <hostname> is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the Publishing Platform Web Services server.
    • Images that are used in the Publishing Solutions are stored in the Image Resource server.
    a screenshot of Select Web Resources window
  6. Browse to a folder where you want to save the PPR Publishing Solutions files.

    Note: We recommend keeping the default directory.
    a screenshot of the destination folder window
  7. Install Publishing Solutions.
