Configuring network settings

Configuring TCP/IP settings

  1. From the Embedded Web Server, click Settings > Network/Ports > TCP/IP.

  2. Do any of the following:

    • If you are using a static IP address, then type the DNS server address. If a backup DNS server is available, then type the backup DNS server address.

    • If the printer is located in a different domain, then type the other domains in the Domain Search Order field. Use commas to separate multiple domains.

    Note: Use the domain name that is assigned to user workstations.
  3. Click Save.

Configuring LDAP network account settings

An LDAP network account is needed to send encrypted e-mails. Encryption certificates for recipients are added and configured from the LDAP server. For more information, contact your system administrator.

Note: A Kerberos network account is needed to create an LDAP + GSSAPI network account.
  1. From the Embedded Web Server, click Settings > Security > Login Methods.

  2. From the Network Accounts section, click Add Login Method > LDAP.

  3. Select LDAP or LDAP + GSSAPI.

  4. From the General Information section, configure the following:

    • Setup Name—A unique name for the LDAP network account.

    • Server Address

      Note: Make sure that the address is the same as the Smart Card Authentication Client domain controller address, or the KDC address in the Kerberos configuration file.
    • Server Port—If you are using SSL, then use port 636. Otherwise, use port 389.

  5. From the Device Credentials section, clear Anonymous LDAP Bind, and then type the authentication credentials used to connect to the LDAP server.

  6. If the LDAP server requires SSL, then from the Advanced Options section, set Use SSL/TLS to SSL/TLS.

  7. From the Address Book Setup section, select Use user credentials.

  8. Click Save and Verify.