Cleaning the printhead lenses

Clean the printhead lenses when you encounter print quality problems.

  1. Open the front door.

    art showing the front door being opened
  2. Slide the release lever to the left to unlock the cover.

    art showing how to unlock the internal cover
  3. Open the cover.

    Warning—Potential Damage: To avoid overexposing the photoconductor unit, do not leave the cover open for more than 10 minutes.
    art showing internal cover being opened
  4. Locate the printhead wipers.

    art showing the location of pc units and printhead wipers
  5. Gently pull the printhead wipers out until it stops, and then slowly slide them back into place.

    art showing lenses being cleaned
  6. Close the cover.

    art showing internal cover being closed
  7. Slide the release lever to the right to lock the cover.

    art showing the cover being locked
  8. Close the front door.

    art showng front door being closed