Statement of Volatility

Your printer contains various types of memory that are capable of storing device and network settings, information from embedded solutions, and user data. The types of memory—along with the types of data stored by each—are described below.

There are several circumstances under which you might wish to erase the contents of the memory devices installed in your printer. A partial list includes:

Disposing of a hard drive

Note: Not all printers have a hard disk installed.

In high-security environments, it may be necessary to take additional steps to ensure that confidential data stored on the printer hard disk cannot be accessed once the printer—or its hard disk—is removed from your premises. While most data can be erased electronically, you may want to consider one or more of the following actions before disposing of a printer or hard disk:

Note: While most data can be erased electronically, the only way to guarantee that all data is completely erased is to physically destroy each memory device on which data could have been stored.