Hardware options problems

Cannot detect internal option




Step 1

Turn off the printer, wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the printer.

Does the printer detect the internal option?

The problem is solved.

Go to step 2.

Step 2

Print the Menu Settings Page, and then check if the internal option appears in the Installed Features list.

Is the internal option listed?

Go to step 4.

Go to step 3.

Step 3

Check if the internal option is installed properly into the controller board.

  1. Turn off the printer, and then unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.

  2. Make sure that the internal option is installed into the appropriate connector on the controller board.

  3. Connect the power cord to the electrical outlet, and then turn on the printer.

    standard caution icon CAUTION—POTENTIAL INJURY: To avoid the risk of fire or electrical shock, connect the power cord to an appropriately rated and properly grounded electrical outlet that is near the product and easily accessible.

Does the printer detect the internal option?

The problem is solved.

Go to step 4.

Step 4

  1. Check if the internal option is available in the print driver.

    Note: If necessary, manually add the internal option in the print driver to make it available for print jobs. For more information, see Adding available options in the print driver.

  2. Print the document.

Does the printer detect the internal option?

The problem is solved.

Contact customer support.

Internal solutions port does not operate correctly




Step 1

Print a menu settings page, and then check if the internal solutions port (ISP) appears in the Installed Features list.

Is the ISP listed in the Installed Features list?

Go to step 3.

Go to step 2.

Step 2

Remove, and then install the ISP. For more information, see Installing an internal solutions port.

Note: Use a supported ISP.

Does the ISP operate correctly?

The problem is solved.

Go to step 3.

Step 3

Check the cable and the ISP connection.

  1. Use the correct cable, and then make sure that it is securely connected to the ISP.

  2. Check if the ISP solution interface cable is securely connected into the receptacle of the controller board.

Does the ISP operate correctly?

The problem is solved.

Contact customer support.

Parallel or serial interface card does not operate correctly




Step 1

Print a menu settings page, and then check if the parallel or serial interface card appears in the Installed Features list.

Is the parallel or serial interface card listed in the Installed Features list?

Go to step 3.

Go to step 2.

Step 2

Remove, and then install the parallel or serial interface card.

For more information, see Installing an internal solutions port.

Does the parallel or serial interface card operate correctly?

The problem is solved.

Go to step 3.

Step 3

Check the connection between the cable and the parallel or serial interface card.

Does the parallel or serial interface card operate correctly?

The problem is solved.

Contact customer support.

Defective flash detected

Try one or more of the following:

Not enough free space in flash memory for resources

Try one or more of the following: