Customizing the home screen for a device group

You can configure printers in a device group so that buttons for deployed solutions appear on printer home screens or in the menus of non-touch-screen printers. A custom home screen is not a requirement to deploy a solution.

If the default home screen is used, then to access solutions, do either of the following:

Different device classes may have different capabilities. Configure a separate custom home screen for each device class.

Actions included in a custom home screen must be set in the printer settings to appear on the home screen.

  1. Obtain the printer IP address. Do either of the following:

  2. Open a web browser, and then type the printer IP address.

  3. From the Embedded Web Server, do either of the following:

    Note: For a list of supported printers in each device class, see Supported printer models.

In printers assigned to more than one device group with a custom home screen, the last policy update determines which home screen is used. If multiple-device-group membership is necessary, then do not configure a home screen for more than one of the device groups to which the printer belongs.

Note: Customizing the device group home screen after customizing the printer home screen overwrites the custom printer home screen during the next policy update.
  1. From LMC, click the Device Groups tab.

  2. From the Device Groups section, select a device group.

  3. From the Tasks section, select Home Screen.

  4. Click the tab for each device class that you want to customize.

  5. Select Use this home screen as part of the device groups policy.

  6. Configure the settings.

  7. Configure the remaining buttons on the home screen.

  8. Click Apply.

    Note: Make sure to click Apply on each tab to apply the settings.