Backup and disaster recovery

Note: The database backup and recovery tasks apply only to Firebird. If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, then contact your database administrator.

Scheduling automatic backups

You can back up the databases and solutions in an LDD system to a network folder. If a recovery is necessary, then a new system can access the recovery data by using Restore Install. You can direct existing servers from a partially failed system to the new load balancer and database, or you can install new servers.

When a scheduled backup occurs, the system does the following processes:

Note: We recommend scheduling backups during off-peak hours to avoid affecting system performance.
  1. From LMC, click the System tab.

  2. From the System section, select Schedule.

  3. Click Add > Backup & Restore.

  4. If necessary, type a description for the task, and then click Next.

  5. Type the UNC path of the existing network folder where the system must be backed up.

    For example, \\myserver\myshare\.

    Note: When storing backup data from multiple LDD systems, assign a different folder to each LDD system. Assigning a backup folder for each LDD system prevents existing data from being overwritten by another system. This configuration also helps you identify which LDD system the backup data belongs to.
  6. If the network folder requires authentication, then type the user name and password.

  7. To back up the jobs list and the log, select Backup Jobs Logs Database.

  8. To keep previous backup sets, select Keep previous backups. This setting stores data from each backup in a folder named with the date of the backup within the specified network folder. If it is cleared, then backup data is stored directly in the specified network folder, overwriting any existing data.

    Note: The database containing the jobs list and the log may be very large. Make sure that you have sufficient space on the network folder where the files are backed up.
  9. Click Next.

  10. Configure the date, time, and frequency for the task.

  11. Click Finish.

Note: You can delete dated backup folders containing entire previous backups, but do not modify the internal folder structure of backup data.

Recovering backup data with a new installation

If you are recovering backup data from a network folder, then use Restore Install. This feature enables a load balancer or both a database and a load balancer to access backup data.

  1. Run the LDD installer, and then select the appropriate installation options. Do one of the following:

    • If a workgroup system has failed, then install a workgroup system.

    • If both the database and load balancer or only the database has failed in an enterprise system, then install the database only.

    • If only the load balancer has failed in an enterprise system, then install the load balancer only.

  2. Before proceeding to the final step of each installation, select Restore Install (RI), and then browse to the .ri file.

  3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  4. If you are using an enterprise system and you have just installed the database, then run the installation again for the load balancer.

  5. If you are using an enterprise system, then add servers to the system and set them online.

  6. If a new IP address or FQDN is identified for the load balancer, then do the following:

    1. Recreate any LDD printer ports on software clients. For more information, see Recreating LDD printer ports after a change of IP address or FQDN.

    2. Change the settings for any associated eSF applications that specify the load balancer address. For more information, see Configuring an eSF application associated with a solution.

Installing new servers during recovery

  1. Using an NTP server, synchronize the time on all computers that are used in the LDD system.

  2. Using the new database or load balancer, install the server. For more information, see Installing servers.

  3. On the new server, install any third-party services that the existing solutions require.

  4. Do either of the following:

    • Perform a policy update for any device groups that contain e-Task printers. This configuration applies when the same IP address or FQDN is identified for the new database and load balancer.

    • Perform a policy update for all device groups. This configuration applies when a new IP address or FQDN is identified for the backup database or load balancer.

    Note: Clear Only update those devices which are Out of Policy when performing the policy update.
  5. From LMC, click the System tab.

  6. From the System section, select System Status.

  7. Set all servers online. For more information, see Viewing and changing server status.

  8. Note: Multiple non-communicating servers may affect system performance. If you do not expect a non-communicating server to reestablish communication quickly, then remove it. For more information, see Viewing and changing server status.

Connecting existing servers during recovery

After the database or load balancer is recovered, do either of the following:

Recreating LDD printer ports after a change of IP address or FQDN

If a new IP address or FQDN is identified for the database or load balancer, then recreate LDD printer ports on software clients.

  1. From the Windows Control Panel, go to Devices and Printers control panel, then right-click an LDD print queue, and then click Properties.

    Note: For more information on accessing the properties for the Lexmark Document Server port, see Configuring a Lexmark Document Server port.
  2. Click the Ports tab, and then click Change Port Settings.

  3. Click Add Port > Lexmark Document Server Port - Enterprise > New Port.

    Note: The port name must be 75 characters or fewer.
  4. Add a Lexmark Document Server port. Do the following:

    1. Click Manage List.

    2. From the Server Setup dialog, click Add.

    3. Type the IP address or FQDN of the load balancer, and then click OK.

    4. Select the old database or load balancer from the list, and then click Remove > Yes.

    5. Click OK.

  5. Select the new server from the Document Server list, and then click Next.

  6. Select a profile on the server to use with the port, and then click Next.

    Note: If the server is running multiple jobs, then profiles on the server may not appear in the list. Wait until the server is not busy, and then add the port again.
  7. Click Finish.

  8. If necessary, when using pooled ports, add other ports by using the same server and profile.

  9. Check that only newly created ports are selected, and then click Apply.

  10. For each port associated with the failed load balancer, do the following:

    1. Select the port from the list.

    2. Click Delete > Yes.

      Note: If a port cannot be deleted, then it may still be associated with the print queue. Make sure that only newly created ports are selected, click Apply, and then try again.
  11. If necessary, select the newly created ports again.

  12. Click Close.

Manually backing up databases

You can back up the LDD databases by using any normal Firebird backup procedure. For manual backups, you can use GBAK.exe, located in the \Lexmark\Solutions\firebird\ folder within the folder where the LDD load balancer or database is installed.

The following databases, located in the \Lexmark\Solutions\firebird\data\ folder within the folder where the LDD database is installed, must be included in the backup:

The credentials for each database are the following:

The following command is recommended for each file:

LDD_folder\firebird\gbak.exe -v -t -user framework -password rivet "DB_IP_address:LDD_folder\firebird\data\source_db" "backup_db"
