Viewing the server logs

Log data is recorded in the cdcl_wrapper.log file in the Lexmark\Solutions\tomcat\logs\ folder. This log file contains device communication data for all device discoveries and policy deployments to e-Task 5 printers. For a list of supported printers in each device class, see Supported printer models.

To change the logging level of the cdcl_wrapper.log to “debug”, do the following:

  1. Using a text editor, open the Lexmark\Solutions\apps\cdcl-rest-wrapper\WEB-INF\classes\ file.

  2. Change log4j.rootLogger=WARN,perflog to log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,perflog.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. From the Windows Services control panel on the server computer, restart the Lexmark Solutions Application Server. For more information, see Restarting the Lexmark Solutions Application Server.

All server activity at the selected message priority is recorded in the lsas.log file in the Lexmark\Solutions\tomcat\logs folder where the server is installed. To view the logs, using a text editor, open the file.

The default message priority for recording is “warn”. When troubleshooting a problem, change the message priority to “debug” to capture all available messages.

  1. From LMC, click the System tab.

  2. From the System section, click System Status.

  3. Set the server for which you are changing the message priority offline. For more information, see Viewing and changing server status.

    Note: Make sure that the server is offline before proceeding. Click Refresh, and then make sure that offline is reported in the Status column for the server.
  4. Using a text editor, open the log4j-lsas.xml file from the Lexmark\Solutions\apps\wf-ldss\WEB-INF\classes folder where the server is installed.

  5. In the following lines, change “warn” to “debug”:

      <!-- Root Logger. -->
        <priority value="warn" />
  6. Save and close the file.

  7. From the Windows Services control panel on the server computer, restart the Lexmark Solutions Application Server. For more information, see Restarting the Lexmark Solutions Application Server.

  8. Set the server for which you changed the message priority online. For more information, see Viewing and changing server status.

  9. Note:  To save disk space, after recording the data, change the message priority to “warn”.