Configuring Lexmark Management Console

Accessing Lexmark Management Console

Note: LDD version 5.0 supports accessing LMC using only HTTPS mode by default. To disable this feature, open the file, and then set the server.hsts.enable property value to false.
  1. From your web browser, launch LMC by using either of the following URLs:

    • http://loadbalancer:9780/lmc

    • https://loadbalancer/lmc

    where loadbalancer is the IP address of the computer where the load balancer is installed.

    To access LMC on a particular server, do either of the following:

    • If HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is enabled, then use the URL https://server:9743/lmc

    • If HSTS is disabled, then use the URL http://server:9788/lmc

    Where server is the IP address of the computer where the particular server is installed.


    • On a computer where a server is installed, you can use the LMC desktop shortcut.
    • Starting all services may take several minutes when the system is first booted. If LMC cannot be accessed immediately after starting the system, then wait a few minutes, and then try again.
    • Make sure that your web browser allows cookies for the address where you access LMC.
  2. Type the administrator user name and password.


    • The default user name and password is admin.
    • If LMC is configured to connect to an LDAP server, then use any valid user name and password.
  3. Click Login.


    • LMC admin user must be able to create groups and assign privileges without specifying LDAP configuration in LMC.
    • Even if the user receives a warning message that there is no LDAP setup or an error occurs during validation of the group, the user can still add the group to assign privileges in LMC.
 The Lexmark Management Console home screen.

A green arrow beside the server address indicates the server that hosts the LMC session.

Changing the administrator user name

  1. From LMC, click the System tab.

  2. From the System section, select Username & Password.

  3. Type the new user name, and then retype it to confirm.

  4. Click Apply.

Changing the administrator password

  1. From LMC, click the System tab.

  2. From the System section, select Username & Password.

  3. Type the current password.

  4. Type the new password, and then retype it to confirm.

  5. Click Apply.

Enabling LDAP authentication for LMC

To authenticate users other than the administrator account, set up a connection with an LDAP server.

  1. From LMC, click the System tab.

  2. From the System section, click LDAP Setup.

  3. Select Enable LDAP Authentication.

  4. If your LDAP server requires a secure connection, then select Use Secure Connection (SSL/TLS).

  5. Type the LDAP server address and port number.

    Note: For non-secure communication, use port 389. For secure communication, use port 636.
  6. In the User Search Filter field, type the attribute that is used to identify a user name, such as cn, sn, uid, or sAMAccountName.

  7. In the User Search Base field, type the relative distinguished name (RDN) where a subtree search for a user must begin, such as ou=Employees.

  8. To filter the search to users in specific groups, do the following:

    1. In the Group Search Filter field, type the attribute that is used to identify a member of the group, such as member or uniquemember.

    2. In the Group Search Base field, type the RDN where a subtree search for groups must begin in the directory, such as ou=Groups.

    3. In the “Member of Groups” field, type a comma-delimited list of group names to search. The user name must be a member of at least one of the groups listed.

    4. In the Group Identifier field, type a name for the object class.

      Note: The object class name can be used to search for the group base when assigning privileges to groups.
      • User Search Filter: uid

      • User Search Base: ou=Employees

      • Group Search Filter: uniquemember

      • Group Search Base: ou=Groups

      • Group Identifier: groupOfNames

      • Member of Groups: Dept A,Dept C

        If the user name testuser is used to log in to LMC, then the user can be authenticated if each of the following is true:

        • The distinguished name uid=testuser,ou=Employees,o=MyOrganization is found in the directory.

        • The distinguished name cn=Dept A,ou=Groups,o=MyOrganization or cn=Dept C,ou=Groups,o=MyOrganization is found in the directory and contains the attribute uniquemember: uid=testuser,ou=Employees,o=MyOrganization.

        • The object class is groupOfNames.

        • The correct password is supplied for the user.

  9. Select an authentication method:

    • If the LDAP server accepts anonymous connections, then select Anonymous.

    • If the LDAP server requires authentication, then do the following:

      1. Select Username.

      2. In the Username field, type a distinguished name that is used to log in to the LDAP server, such as uid=ldapuser,ou=Employees,o=MyOrganization.

      3. Type the password that is associated with the selected user name.

      4. Note: If * is used instead of the distinguished name and password, then the user is an LDAP binding user. For example, uid=*, ou=Employees, o=MyOrganization, and password=*.
  10. To test the connection settings, click Test Settings.

    Note: For anonymous connections, the test cannot determine whether a user name and password are correct if they are used for authentication. If the test reports an anonymous connection when a user name and password are used, then manually check them.
  11. In the Search Base field, type the distinguished name where the directory search must begin, such as o=MyOrganization.

  12. Click Save Settings.

Assigning privileges to groups

Adding access control to users accessing LMC lets you restrict system access to specific groups. The Privileges settings depend on the role that is assigned to the user.


  1. From LMC, click the System tab.

  2. From the System section, select Privileges.

  3. In the “Group Names from LDAP" list, select or add a group.

    To add a group, do the following:

    1. Click the add icon or Add, type the group name, and then click Search.

    2. In the list, select a group name, and then click Add.

  4. Select the tabs and tasks that the group is allowed to access and perform.

    When assigning privileges, you can select specific tasks in each tab.

  5. Click the save icon or Save Privileges.

Understanding the Device Groups tab

When a device group is selected, the following tasks are shown:




Shows the following information:

  • List of solutions that are deployed to the device group.

  • The number of discovered, unlicensed, missing, and out-of-policy printers in the device group.

  • Whether the device group is configured to use a secure communication channel when submitting jobs. When Secure Server Communication is enabled, communication between the server and printers that are associated with the selected group is encrypted.

Some of these values are linked to appropriate tasks that let you view more information or change the settings.


Lets you change the unique name of the device group.

Discovery Profiles*

Lets you add, edit, import, and remove discovery profiles for the device group.


Finds printers on the network that match the discovery profile for the device group. For more information, see Manually discovering printers.

Discovered Devices

Shows the following information for printers in the device group:

  • IP address

  • Host name

  • Model

  • Serial number

  • Contact name

  • Contact location

  • Property tag

  • Last discovered date

  • Last credential used

  • Last SNMP settings used

  • Policy last applied date

Note: To export the discovered devices list, click Export.

Unlicensed Devices

Shows the unlicensed printers in the device group.

Note: To export the unlicensed devices list, click Export.


Lets you select solutions to deploy to the printers in the device group. It also lets you configure the local settings for the device group.

eSF Configuration*

Lets you edit the settings of eSF applications associated with hybrid solutions that are deployed to the device group.

Security Setup Files*

Lets you manage any printer security setup files of solutions that are deployed to the device group.

Home Screen*

Lets you customize the layout of the home screen for the printers in the device group. Click the appropriate device class to customize the printer home screen.


Shows each profile and the associated settings for each device class in the device group.

Fax Forwarding*

Lets you configure MFPs to forward incoming faxes to a fax number, e-mail address, FTP site, or Lexmark Document Solution Services (LDSS). Depending on the printer configuration, you can set the system to manage all incoming fax requests for processing before the MFP prints and forwards received faxes.

Policy Update

Deploys group device policies to printers in the device group.

Out of Policy Devices

Lists all out-of-policy printers in the device group.

Missing Devices

Shows a list of previously discovered printers that are not responding in the device group.

Note: To export the missing devices list, click Export.


Lets you add, edit, and delete Discovery, Policy Update, and script tasks that are scheduled to run for the device group.


Enables or disables secure communication between the server and the printers in the device group.


Lets you select whether the global SNMP settings must be used for the selected device group. For more information on configuring SNMP, see Configuring SNMP for discovering devices

Understanding the Software Client Groups tab

When a software client group is selected, the following tasks are shown:




Shows the following information:

  • Group name

  • List of solutions that are deployed to the software client group


Lets you change the unique name of the software client group.

Client Profiles*

Lets you add, edit, import, and remove client profiles in the software client group.


Lets you add, edit, or delete solutions that are deployed to the software clients in the software client group.


Shows each profile and the associated settings for the software client group.


Lets you add, edit, and delete script tasks that are scheduled to run for the software client group.

Understanding the Devices tab

The Devices tab is used for maintenance of printers that have already been discovered. Only discovered printers can be found using the search function on this tab.

When a device is selected, the following tasks are shown:




Shows the following information:

  • IP address

  • Host name

  • List of device groups that the device belongs to

  • List of solutions that are deployed to the device

  • Model

  • Serial number

  • Contact name

  • Contact location

  • Property tag

  • Last discovered date and time

  • Unlicensed status

When multiple devices are selected, a table containing the preceding information for all devices in the system is shown. The total number is shown for Device Groups and Solutions and may be expanded to show the list for each.


Shows each profile and the associated settings for a device.

Note: This task shows only one device at a time. When multiple devices are selected, the first device that is selected is shown. If you want to select other devices, then click Next or Previous.

Policy Update

Deploys policy updates to devices.

Missing Devices

Shows a list of previously discovered printers that are not responding.

Unlicensed Devices

Shows a list of unlicensed devices.

Home Screen

Lets you customize the layout of the home screen for the device.

Note: This task shows only one device at a time. When multiple devices are selected, the first device that is selected is shown. If you want to select other devices, then click Next or Previous.


Shows a table of the jobs for the device.


Shows a table of logged messages for the device.

Understanding the Solutions tab

When a solution is selected, the following tasks are shown:




Shows the following information:

  • Solution name

  • Version number

  • Installation time

  • Update time

  • List of device groups and software client groups that the solution is deployed to

  • List of formsets, reports, eSF applications, and security setup files in the solution


Lets you configure the global settings for the solution. The parameters are predetermined for each solution.


Shows a list of the formsets that are associated with the solution.


Shows a list of eSF applications that are associated with the solution.


Shows a table of the jobs that use the solution.


Shows a table of the logged events and messages that the solution generates.

Security Setup Files*

Lets you manage any printer security setup files in a solution.

Understanding the E-Forms tab



Form printers

Lets you view and manage the virtual printers that process e-forms


Lets you view and manage formsets for all solutions

Understanding the Services tab




Lets you set the font parameters for all services


Lets you set the authentication type for security-enabled devices


Lets you set the e-mail server parameters


Lets you configure the chunk size for device discovery and policy updates


Lets you set the default unsecured port and the timeout periods between retries during device discovery


Lets you set the policy update parameters, and whether to overwrite function overrides on the device such as copy or fax


Lets you configure the e-mail parameters, such as the default sender, receiver, and e-mail message


Lets you configure the SNMP parameters

Understanding the System tab



System Status

Lists all servers in the system. It also shows the following information for each server:

  • Server address

  • Host name

  • Status

  • License

  • Number of running tasks

  • CPU usage

  • Memory usage

  • Network load

  • Thread count

  • List of installed components and their versions

A green arrow beside the server address in the table indicates the server where the current LMC session is running.

You can also set a server online or offline.


Shows all report, backup and restore, discovery, policy update, and script tasks that are scheduled to run on the system. It also lets you add, edit, and delete scheduled tasks.


Shows a table of all pending and completed jobs from all printers in the system.


Shows a table of the logged event and messages that are generated from all pending and completed jobs from all printers in the system.


Lets you manage and schedule built-in and custom reports.

Username & Password

Lets you create an administrator user name and password for LMC.

LDAP Setup

Lets you set up a connection with the LDAP server to enable other user accounts.


Lists all licenses that are installed on the system. It also shows the feature ID (where the license applies), expiration date, number of licenses, licenses in use, and license type for each license.

You can also add new licenses to the system.

AP Bundle

Lets you update the AP Bundle eSF application that e-Task 2 printers require for support.

Specifying updated files here updates the applications on printers during the next policy update.


Lets you add access control to users.

You can assign privileges to users depending on the group to which they belong to.