If you are using A4 or letter size plain paper and you want Normal print quality, you do not need to adjust the print settings.
From the software application, choose FilePrint. The Print dialog appears.
Make sure 3300 Series is chosen in the "Printer" pop-up menu.
From the Print dialog, choose Paper Handling.
From the Paper Handling area, select either Odd or Even numbered pages.
Customize other settings as needed.
Click Print.
After printing the first set of pages, flip the stack of printouts.
Load the stack of printouts into the paper support so that the blank side of the pages is facing you.
With the document open, repeat steps 3 through 6.
To print the next set of pages:
Select the opposite option for the numbered pages for the next print job. For example, If you selected Odd numbered pages for the first print job, select Even numbered pages for the next.
Apply the same settings in the Print dialog as you used for the first set of pages.