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Altering the appearance of an image

You can make changes to an image by adjusting the scan settings and using the crop function. Adjusting the settings lets you control the quality of the image, while cropping can highlight or downplay certain portions of an image.

  1. Scan the document. Go to Scanning and follow the directions for the document type.
  2. Click Preview/Edit to open the Scan tab.
  3. From the Settings tab:
    1. Select any of these preset scan settings:
      • Color Photo - Print
      • Color Photo - Web
      • Black & White Photo
      • Black Text
      • Note: Select Custom Settings to manually adjust the color depth, resolution and set a descreen option.
    2. From the "Descreen Magazine or Newspaper" pop-up menu, choose the type of document you are scanning. Options are:
      • Photo
      • Magazine
      • Newspaper
  4. From the Adjustments tab, customize the settings, as needed.
    Note: You can adjust settings for brightness, contrast, gamma, blur or sharpen, opt to invert colors, mirror left or right, or rotate the image.
  5. Crop the image, if needed.
  6. Click Preview Again to apply the settings and refresh the image on the preview area.
  7. Click Scan.
    Note: The scanned document is sent to the selected destination or software application for saving or editing.
Related topics

Cropping an image

Resizing an image

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