Print black and white photos

You can copy color photos and then print them in black and white using the options in the Copy tab.


The best way to print black and white photos is with your color cartridge. The color cartridge produces shades of gray and provides smoother coverage than a black cartridge, which is best for text printing.

  1. Load paper in the paper support.
  2. Load your document on the scanner glass, or open previously saved color photos from your computer.
  3. Open the Lexmark All-In-One Center.
The Lexmark All-In-One Center Main Page displays.
  1. Select the Copy tab and customize the settings:
    1. From Quantity & Copy Type, choose Grayscale.
    2. From Copy Quality, select Best.
    3. From Output Paper Type, choose Glossy/Photo.
    4. Enter the appropriate information in Original Paper Size and Zoom.
    5. Click Preview.
  2. From the Settings tab:
    1. Make sure that your previous selections for the copy type and copy quality are applied.
    2. From Descreen, choose Photo.
  3. Select the Adjustments tab and customize the settings, as needed.
  4. Select the Finishing tab and customize the settings, as needed.
  5. Click Copy.
Related topics

Copy in black and white

Enhance photograph print quality

Print color images in black and white

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